#RnRSA Saturday Lunch!

Ok, our fellow Rock ‘n’ Roll San Antonio running tweeps!! Let’s have lunch together on Saturday at The Cove!

606 W. Cypress

San Antonio, Texas 

It’s less than 4 miles from the Alamodome if you are going to be coming from the expo or going to the expo after (which is what we’ll probably do).

I’m just going to throw 12:00 p.m. out there as a lunch time and you can comment if you think it should be a different time!

Can’t wait to meet those of you that we haven’t met yet!

Also, feel free to comment and let us know if you plan to come so we can get a count for a table!


  1. Kristen Baslee says:

    My sis and I will be there! We’ll hit up the expo beforehand as well. Can’t wait to finally meet ya!

  2. Id like to come meet some fellow marathoners. I’ll be there at noon, if there are no objections.


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