Fort Worth Zoo Run

This coming Saturday we will be doing our April race at the Ft. Worth Zoo!  We are very excited to be running with our buddies Mouyyad, Chris & Joe!  We’ll actually be running through the zoo which should make for an awesome course!  But now that we post our races and times for the world to see I think both of us feel the pressure to do well each time, and I know that’s how we are both feeling right now! Here are our goals & weather for this coming race:

Teal: To do better than Kacie’s Run 5k (26:26) and to not die! 🙂

Beth:  I’d like to see myself run closer to my time at Cupid’s Chase 5k (25:50)

Weather forecast:

Wind: 8mph

High: 76*

Low: 52*

Precip.: 0%

Didn’t You Run a Race This Weekend?

So inititally I was scared I was going to wake up thinking it was Sunday and miss the 5k, as I thought Friday was Saturday.  I didn’t, but unfortunately I kind of wish I had.  This post is one I feel bad about writing, and I figured I would start out by saying that I do give the organizers a big A+ for starting a 5k race that promotes awareness of Diabetes.  Racing is a great way to raise money, we know, we pay regularly do to run them!  I felt like the effort was there, but when it came to actually pulling it off and the sheer organization, I unfortunately have to give them an F.  Maybe this is another sign I should not run without Beth?

For starters, the race time was changed AFTER registration; originally it was supposed to start at 8:00 a.m.  I work every Saturday so if I am going to race that day it has to be early enough so that I can get to work by 9:00 a.m.-ish.  A week before the race they updated the page to say the race would now be at 9:00 a.m.  Great!  I went anyways, I work for my dad so he is lenient but I don’t like to push it too much.  My husband and I arrived at UTD and the directions said to go to the Southside of the basketball courts, no one was there from the race.  There were about 20 of us waiting around, we wait, wait, nothing.  I decided to walk around this building and I found a guy with an event shirt.  He says it starts at the student services building which was not mentioned.  Sure enough I find them and it’s now 8:20 a.m.  At 8:30 a.m. guest speakers are supposed to start and their website indicated there would be a total of 2 speakers.  It’s now 8:50 a.m., no speakers, no idea when the race will actually start.  A few minutes later the guest speakers finally start, the first was a little girl who was AMAZING and totally worth the wait!  But then we get 3 more about nothing except thanks for coming out.  I think one of them was even a guy running for office.  IT’s now 9:15 a.m., no race yet, and all the organizers are standing around saying “the race will start in 5 minutes.”  I would have said fine and not been so annoyed, but they did this for about 15+ minutes.  I finally looked at my husband and said, “they have 5 minutes or I have to leave, I have to get to work!”  At this point it is 9:30 a.m. and no one has even lined up to race.  As a matter of fact, I am  convinced that they didn’t even know the race route as two of the organizers were debating where the turns were supposed to be!  I was done!  So in total I went to a race, had to pick up everything, i.e. race packet, there and literally stood around for an hour and a half to run a race that takes me less than 30 minutes to run.  So unfortunately I left.  I left out of sheer frustion and time.  By the time I left at 9:35 a.m. the race had not started and still no one had lined up in preparation for the race to begin.  I feel terrible for even mentioning the race and not running, but sometimes that’s just the way it goes!

The AMAZING guest speaker!

At the same time, I do recognize that I have a bit of a different situation with my Saturday’s and my part time job where a race that starts on time and starts early enough I can fit in before I have to be at work.  There are a lot of people who get up for a Saturday race and do not have any sort of time constraint like I do.  I also recognize that A LOT of work goes into the scheduling and organizing of a race!  Perhaps these guys have not actually run many to know a lot of the details, but I do hope they learned a lot from this race and will improve their race for next year!  Beth is actually a volunteer for Heroes for Children  and apart of their 5k race committee, which I believe she’ll talk about in a later post, and I have no doubt she will learn A TON about organizing a race. 

Also, here is a picture of me from before the race and sorry that’s all you get!

Dash for Diabetes

April was almost looking to be as crazy as February, and as you know I (Teal) was unable to run an official race. Beth, luckily, was able to squeeze in the Cupid Run in Corpus and kept our goal alive. So, in fear that it would happen again I signed up to run the Dash for Diabetes, because Beth and I have a crazy month again. She has a trip with her sister, Kate, to visit relatives and tour Texas, as well as a few other events this month. and I have a wedding to attend. I am super jealous of this trip, but just in case you were worried, we did actually plan a race together. We will be running the Ft. Worth Zoo Run next weekend! The Diabetes race stuck out to me because it is a huge problem in my family. My step-dad is so bad he can’t keep a doctor, and my grandmother has struggled with it for most of her life. So it’s none the less fitting. Here is the link to read more about it if you want.

With that said, I woke up this morning truly ready to run. I set the alarm, had all of my stuff ready, and when I woke up I did my daily morning check of twitter and thanks to @druidDUDE (yes the dude from Glee) I read: Hello Friday, Hello Tumblr. FRIDAY? What? I woke up my husband who was like “What is wrong with you, it’s Friday.” So I quickly got up and got dressed for work. The race is Saturday. Booo.

Apparently I need to actually get prepared for a Saturday Race. Usually Beth and I would have pre-planned a meeting place and time and I would know what day of the week it is, clearly I don’t do well alone. Here is my goal and the weather for this weekend. I’ll let you know how it goes! Hopefully I won’t wake up tomorrow thinking it’s Sunday.

My Goal: Hoping to do better than Kacie’s run which was 26:26.

Weather forecast:
Wind: S at 21 mph (oh lord!)
Low: 71*
High: 91*
Prec: 10%

What Do YOU Do with Your Race Bibs?

No, really we want to know!

Do you discard them?  Do you keep them in a box? Do you make an album with them?

So far this year we have 3 and 4 race bibs.  As you know 2011 is a different year for us and honestly, a special one, as we are tackling a goal we’ve never attempted before.

Leave us a comment and let us know!

March’s Races

This past weekend was a very busy race weekend and is a little bit of a glimpse into how crazy the two of us are with a short race on Saturday, Kacie’s Run, and a bit of a longer run on Sunday, Rock ‘n’ Roll Half.  But first let’s back up to our week leading up to our race weekend – Teal had a lingering cough and ultimately started treatment for bronchitis.  Mid-week Beth got a cold and with a double race weekend we would be lying if we said we were not nervous.  We looked and sounded crazy, Teal would break into coughing attacks, and Beth had to carry around a box of tissues.  Not a pretty sight.

Kacie’s Run on Saturday went GREAT!  CFBISD had over 500 people participate in either the 1 mile or 5k races.  The crazy wind we had all week in Dallas stuck around for the run but the sun was definitely out and the temperature was in the high 70’s by the time we ran.  The course was awesome as it is super flat and plenty of space to not run into or have to dodge other runners.  I am pretty sure our nerves had taken over slightly as we both ran the first mile in right under 8 minutes. By mile two we were great, only one small coughing attack but we pulled through!

Our Results

Teal: 26:26, finished 6th in age group and 68th over all

Beth: 26:19, finished 4th in age group and 63rd overall



For the Rock ‘n’ Roll Half, we decided to run the relay and that we might have a better chance of placing if we ran on co-ed teams than as a Life is a Run team.  Teal partnered up with Joe and Beth partnered up with Bitner.  The boys were given the first leg of the half marathon to run, 7.1 miles, and the girls got the last leg, 6 miles.  As crazy as we were expecting the race to be with making sure we got to the right place, Rock ‘n’ Roll staff seriously had it under control.  The exchange area was well organized and it was awesome to see all the race action.  At about 35 minutes in, the first place runner passed all of us waiting for our partners at the exchange.  Oh to run a 5 minute mile…

L to R: Bitner, Beth, Teal & Joe


The weather in Dallas literally changed over night – Saturday we had a high in the 80’s and by the time we went to run our relay Sunday morning I think the temperature had maybe gotten up to 50 degrees with no sun.  Even the Rock ‘n’ Roll staff said that it must have been some kind of cruel joke.  It was freezing.

None of us had run a race in the Rock ‘n’ Roll Marathon Series, but we were so impressed with how organized and just how great overall the event was.  There were spectators everywhere, awesome bands, and even the High School cheerleaders from Teal’s school district.  We both talked after the race about being moved, almost to tears, by some of the pictures on runner’s shirts.  Beth saw a girl who ran with an extra bib that said “I run for my mother” and Teal ran behind a boy who had lost his mother to breast cancer, he had a giant picture of her on his back.  It is seriously motivating to run for a good cause and to see those affected by cancer, working for a cure!  This race also supported Susan G. Komen!

One of the exciting parts of the race was when Teal actually ran beside Troy Aikman!  Teal said that he literally just ran up on the side of her, he was on the left and his pacer on the right, and was talking about his race bib.  He thought he was the only one wearing it.  She looked up at him as it is weird to hear a lot of talking during a race and realized who the heck it was!  She looked at the girl on the other side of her for reassurance and yep, it was really him.  Teal looked right at him and asked, “Can I take your picture?”  He said, “Sure if you run fast!”  He had a pace to keep afterall!  Teal, who was running with her iphone to use the runkeeper app, took a quick picture and tweeted it while running.  Seriously cool!  Troy even contacted Life is a Run afterwards to find out about the picture!  How cool is that?

Beth and Teal both finished the race with an excellent pace.  It is safe to say our best 6 miles run ever!

Our Results

Teal & Joe: Ran the half in 1:50:22 (an avg. 8:26/mile pace) Teal’s half in 51:44.  They finished 8th amongst the co-ed teams and 19th out of 305 relay teams!

Beth & Bitner: Ran the half in 1:44:55 (an avg. 8:01/mile pace) Beth’s half in 50:37.  They finished 4th amongst the co-ed teams and 13th out of 305 relay teams!

Kacie’s Run

Well, Kacie’s Run is this Saturday and I think we are both a little nervous.  For some reason the shorter races are more stressful.  This will be the second year I have run the race and Beth’s first.  I am so excited we are running this together and she can see some of what I work with everyday.  Also, we are a little crazy this month as we are in fact competing in two races this weekend, Rock ‘n’ Roll Half relay is Sunday.  When I found out they were the same weekend I was a little worried, but then Beth said she would absolutely run this one too, well here we are.

Just to give you a little background, Kacie’s Run has been a Carrollton Farmer’s Branch Independent School District tradition since 2003, and honors one of its own students, Kacie Brekhus, who was tragically killed in a car accident during her freshman year at the University of Texas at Austin.  You can read more about her story here!  This race supports CFB Special Education and it is actually really cool to see CFB staff members, students, and the community come out for the race.  The part that makes me nervous is that current and past students participate,a nd of course they talk a lot of smack the week of.  I cannot tell you how many times I have heard, “Mrs., you can’t run, you can’t beat me,” etc.  They are also up on my running life, and the fact that Beth and I run together all the time.  I always tell them stories about running long runs on the weekends while they are still sleeping, and they have seen pictures of Beth and I, so in essence I am sure they are talking to her too.  No pressure!

Last year I had just started running again and Kacie’s Run was my first 5k in I don’t know how long.  I ran a very scary 34:58 minute race and was honestly surprised I didn’t die.  The goal was to not walk, which I accomplished, but barely!  This year is much different.

Here are our goals for Saturday’s race.  We’ll let you know how it goes, both of us are crossing our fingers that the wind dies down and that it doesn’t actually rain.

Goals for Kacie’s Run

Teal:  27 minute or better 5k

Beth:  Well, my last 5k I ran in 25:50 and I haven’t been running as much each week lately, so I am mainly hoping to not add a lot of minutes on to my time this weekend!  Definitely under 30 minutes!


Weather Forecast

High: 86* F

Low: 53* F

Wind: 12 mph

Prec: 30% chance, calling for Isolated T-storms

February’s Race

If you’ve read our “about” page you might get the idea of how busy we keep ourselves reguarly and already in month 2 of our goal we were having issues finding a race we could run together!  The first weekend of February we spent in Puerto Vallarta attending one of our closest friends’ wedding and the following weekend I would be in Corpus Christi, Texas attending my cousin’s wedding.  And in reviewing races in February in the DFW area it seemed like the weekend I was in Corpus had the most options due to it being the weekend leading up to Valentine’s Day.  Afraid to ruin the goal of a race a month at the very beginning I decided to run the Cupid’s Chase 5k Run while in Corpus.

I was so nervous to be running this 5k because I knew I wouldn’t exactly get a great night’s sleep the night before since I’d be attending my cousin’s rehearsal dinner and potentially staying up late.  About midnight I excused myself from the party and went bed.  The next morning my mom insisted on going with me just to make sure I would be ok, which I didn’t mind because she’s never seen me do any of my running as of late, just hears about it after the fact.  We ended up getting a little lost on the way to the race and I showed up just 15 minutes before it started.  Had I been in Dallas I would have been freaking out as I usually show up an hour early just in case to every race.

When the race started it was about 30*F outside, not very windy and the sun was out so in my mind ideal for a run!  I didn’t have a way to listen to music so it was just me and my thoughts!  I remember looking at my watch about 19 minutes in and thinking “ok, hopefully you have just about a mile left – let’s do this!”  I was pleasantly surprised when I rounded the corner towards the end and saw that I was going to cross the finish line when the clock was around the 26 minute mark! I’d never run a 5k race this fast before and was excited to kick some butt (my fastest time to date had been 28:01)!

Are you wondering what Teal did in February?  Like I said it was hard finding races!  There really weren’t any near by in the DFW area for the last two weekends of February so she ran a race of her own and conquered a 6.33 mile run while I was running in Corpus!  I am so proud of her!  I’m not sure what I would have done had I been in her shoes.  Also, most of the part time work she does is on the weekends starting on Saturday mornings so you can understand how proud of her I am!!

Waiting for the race to start and if you can’t tell I’m pretty much dead center in this picture



Just a tiny speck on the right side of this picture!


And all done!


Our Results

Teal – 6.33 miles in 1:00:46

Beth – 5k in 25:50


posted by Beth

January’s Race

This post is way over due, but nonethless here you go…

Fresh off our White Rock Half Marathon high, we wanted to keep up with our distance running and decided to run a 15k! On January 23, 2011 along with our good buddy and amazing runner, Bitner, we ran the Too Cold to Hold.  We definitely froze waiting around for the race to start but once it did the weather was absolutely perfect!

Our Results

Teal – 1:30:36

Beth – 1:21:23

How Did We Even Get Here?

The beginning of this blog really began the Summer of 2010 before either of us really knew it.  Teal couldn’t shake the idea of wanting to run a Marathon at least once in her life and figured she might as well start with a Half Marathon first.  After both of us ran the Tour des Fleurs 10k in September the Half Marathon training really kicked off and the end goal was to complete the White Rock Half in December.  Some days were hard but we are both stubborn and competetive people that were not going to give up!  We both finished and under our original goals we had set out individually for ourselves.

Beth was hoping after running the half that Teal would realize running a full Marathon was a BIG goal and be satisfied with the Half Marathon accomplishment.  But when it was over neither one of us was satisfied – we wanted to do MORE!!  We decided that in 2011 we would run a race of varying lengths every month in 2011 and would end it with a BANG in December by hopefully running the White Rock Marathon.  So follow along with us as we run races and just trying and stay in an overall state of good shape this year!