One Year Going on Seven

One Year Going on Seven

It seems like with a new milestone in life the speed of life picks up just a little bit more.  This past year has absolutely gone by at full speed, but it has been an awesome first year of marriage to Mr. H!  It hasn’t been until this year that I’ve even thought about how long it feels like we’ve been together.  We are quickly approaching seven years since that first encounter with each other and just days after that our very first date! 🙂

anniv collage 2013

We’ve had so many good memories together and there are so many more to come! I am one very lucky, lucky lady!

liar anniv.


  1. Congratulations!!! It goes so fast! I can’t believe Dana and I have been married 15 wonderful years! Let us know how you celebrate!

    • Life is a Run says:

      Congrats to you & Dana!! That’s awesome! We went out to a nice dinner Saturday night and just really hung out most of the day before. It was nice to just be the two of us and focus on that until I had to do a long run on Sunday morning! Ha

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