November Report Card

November Report Card


1. Basically because my last month’s goals are a continuing struggle I am rolling all of those forward as well and will keep working on it.

B+: I am still not logging my food everyday as I used to but I am drinking all my water, I have stopped eating the 800 sweets I was eating at the beginning and I am all over eating better with meals not totally prepped but at work and ready to eat. I think this is just because I am WAYYYY less tired than I was even last month! Yea for that! And I will continue to work on this big time as the months move on being pregnant! I really don’t want to go crazy although it’s a struggle. I want to eat all the time!

2. You might have figured out by now that that room I was working on 2 months ago is the room the baby is going to live it when she gets here. I NEED to clean that completely out so that the construction guys can come in and replace all the walls and ceiling and I would like that to get taken care of by the end of this month. So FOR REAL this time, GET THE BACK ROOM CLEANED OUT!

A: DONE! Finally! Well except for that ottoman in the middle, it is actually sold just waiting for it to get picked up! The room has been de-cluttered and the stuff is now organized in other parts of the house, donated or trashed! Thank you Thanksgiving break!  Also, which I was not expecting to get done this month, is the walls. They were torn down due to issues with patching, an old roommate’s hanging abilities, and a foundation repair; they just needed to come out. They are out, and news walls are in, textured, and primed. They are not painted because I have no clue what the colors will be in there. This is huge progress!! I am the most pumped about this being “done!”

nov rep card 1


nov rep card 2

3. Choose a new paint color and fabric for the kitchen. They are coming in to remodel the kitchen within the next 3 to 4 weeks and I really want to learn how to make Roman shades for the 4 windows in my kitchen. It is too ambitious for me to say I will actually make the shades this month, but the goal is to get everything ready for them.

B-: Paint was chosen and actually painted, but I have not made it to the store to look at fabric. I also have changed my mind and will make the cornice things like Beth and her sister Kate have done in their homes. Yep just call me copy cat! But I like!!

nov rep card 3

Beth –

1. Stop letting your car be a gym bag! I am not even posting a picture of this because it embarrasses me and no, Teal, will not take a picture and upload it here. :)

A: Totally got my car cleaned up!  Of course it helped that we decided Brent would drive my car on a weekend trip he was taking.  I even ordered this handy dandy trunk organizer to help me out.  Thanks to Teal for that idea!


2. Yoga twice a week!

F: I guess I’ll go with that as I did once a week! Yay, I did half of what I meant to do.

3. READ!! This month I’m going to need to read 3 books in order to catch up!  The book club selection for November is Ladies’ Night by Mary Kay Andrews.

D-: I don’t know if that should even be what I give myself.  Apparently with marathon training I slack big time on my reading.  I didn’t even finish Ladies’ Night in time for book club.  BUT I did finish it and started another book before the month was over. 🙂  Well, and I still have started Allegiant just haven’t finished it………….

ladies night

4. Buy fabric for the master bath and make another DIY window cornice!

A+: Bought the fabric and this past weekend when my beloved Aggies were making me nervous in their game against Mizzou I made the cornice for our bathroom.  We just have such big windows in our house it almost looks dinky up there, doesn’t it??


Joint Goal –

Have pictures done and Christmas cards from Kate ordered!!  Who doesn’t love supporting local? Kate is a Dallasite that is an awesome graphic designer, so we can’t wait to work with her to design Christmas cards for each of us this year!  

We are both going to go with C on this one.  Teal wasn’t able to get the picture part done in the month of November due to work.  Beth decided to get more people involved in family photos, got it scheduled and done.  We both have also given Kate our design ides for our cards and we both just have to get a picture off to her.  Hooray for progress!

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