#LiAR Does Seattle

#LiAR Does Seattle

Back in March we squeezed in one last trip for Teal & Michael before Teal’s doctor would say it was time to call it quits on traveling by plane.  Our husbands actually came up with this trip and figured a lot of it out between the two of them so thanks for taking on that responsibility guys!  Thanks to a few of our tweeps that live in Seattle we had quite a list of things to do while there and sadly we just didn’t have the time to do all of them.


We just happened to be in Seattle the weekend that the Sounders had their opening match of the season, which was perfect since both of our guys like soccer and this would be a completely new experience for both of us!  Of course, this day Seattle was experiencing a record day of rainfall.  We lucked out with seats that had us under an overhang, so we weren’t just drenched the whole time, but don’t worry we still all bought Sounders ponchos that came in handy as we made our trek back to the hotel after the game.





That night we decided to take a recommendation from Guy Fieri and Diners, Drive-ins & Dives by dining at Bizzaro Italian Cafe. It did not disappoint and we were all glad we had it on our list of places to dine while in Seattle. We definitely followed the advice of getting their early so we didn’t have to wait and we didn’t have to wait!  If memory serves us correctly between the four of us we tried the Elk Bolognese, Margarita, Gnocchi Cavolifore and The Cow. We started with an appetizer we don’t see listed on the online menu but was delicious! So if you go there maybe you can figure it out. 🙂


On our second full day in Seattle we walked from our hotel over to the Space Needle and opted to go for the combo of Space Needle & Chihuly Garden and Glass tickets.  Both were very fun touristy things to do and this day was probably just an all around touristy day for us.




We checked out the EMP Museum that afternoon too before making our way over to the Fremont Troll.  We learned later about some other things in that area we should have checked out, but we didn’t so maybe next trip!



Our last full day in Seattle was more touristy things! Of course we had to check out Pike Place Market!



Once at Pike Place Market we were given the recommendation of finding The Crumpet Shop and trying the “Life Changer” as it would in fact change our lives. It was absolutely delicious and we were so glad we listened to that sound advice! So if you are ever in Seattle and a crumpet fix go to The Crumpet Shop. None of us had ever had a crumpet before either so it was an all around new experience for each of us!



Next up we walked over to Bill Speidel’s Underground Tour and took, well, an underground tour of Seattle. It was awesome getting to learn the history of the city since none of us knew it and see where it all really started. The tour guides add their own humor to the tours which really helps liven it up.


After the tour was over we were all HUNGRY and had multiple suggestions of eating at The Crab Pot so we said – fresh seafood? For it! We went with “The Alaskan” to try a bit of everything: King crab, dungeness crab, snow crab, shrimp, steamed clams, Pacific mussels and andouille sausage.




After our late lunch we opted to partially follow through with some advice we had received. 🙂 We were running out of time in the day and had heard a lot of good things about Bainbridge Island.  We decided to at least take the ferry out to it and enjoy being out on the water and seeing the views. We happened to be on the ferry that day during “rush hour” if you will. Living here in Dallas with no islands to live on and commute from and really every one drives everywhere it was cool to see other people’s commutes. When we got to the Bainbridge we saw so many people grabbing their bikes and taking off like it was the start of a bike rally or something. Not that we really know what those are like since we are SO not bike people. 🙂



After the ferry ride we HAD to stop off at the gum wall. Who ever would have thought one piece of gum would create something like this? Not that we know exactly how it got started……



We also let the dudes partake in Seattle breweries and pubs while we were there, but since we mainly just sat there, drank our water and watched because we can’t have alcohol we didn’t really commemorate those stops with pictures. 🙂 All around it was a great trip that flew by entirely too fast. There are a ton of other things we wish we could have fit in to that time too, but we should just plan to go back right?!

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