How Did We Even Get Here?

The beginning of this blog really began the Summer of 2010 before either of us really knew it.  Teal couldn’t shake the idea of wanting to run a Marathon at least once in her life and figured she might as well start with a Half Marathon first.  After both of us ran the Tour des Fleurs 10k in September the Half Marathon training really kicked off and the end goal was to complete the White Rock Half in December.  Some days were hard but we are both stubborn and competetive people that were not going to give up!  We both finished and under our original goals we had set out individually for ourselves.

Beth was hoping after running the half that Teal would realize running a full Marathon was a BIG goal and be satisfied with the Half Marathon accomplishment.  But when it was over neither one of us was satisfied – we wanted to do MORE!!  We decided that in 2011 we would run a race of varying lengths every month in 2011 and would end it with a BANG in December by hopefully running the White Rock Marathon.  So follow along with us as we run races and just trying and stay in an overall state of good shape this year!


  1. What a great idea! You have inspired me with your goals! I’ll be following your progress to spur my own motivation! Good luck!

    • That is a really big compliment to us! You know I’m really hard on myself personally and think I shouldn’t do things unless I can do them the way I envision, but that’s really not the case! (and I think that relates to your latest blog post which I haven’t finished yet) It’s just about getting out there and getting started and watching the changes from week to week! And with running we all have bad days! I know I do, but usually the following day is a better day! Do you belong to a gym at all or do any other sort of cross training workouts on days you aren’t running?


  1. […] 2010, we had pretty much the perfect weather and little did we know that we were actually going to be […]

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