Happy Birthday to Teal!!

That’s right it’s Teal’s Birthday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!  Feel free to give her a nice Birthday shout out today! 🙂

Cheers to you on your Birthday!

Since Teal is a teacher and all, I’ve decided to give her an appropriate shout out on here  in true teacher/school style:

T – totally awesome athlete

E – especially awesome friend

A – amazing teacher

L – leader

All of the above statements about Teal are just a glimpse of what I mean by them.  I swear she’s probably played every sport and really is an awesome athlete overall.  I’ve known Teal for….let’s see….almost 6 years and she’s been an uh-mazing friend to me! I am so grateful for you!  And all the stories of what she does for her students, her heart for them (despite how crazy they can be at times) and even her love for the AVID program are proof she’s an amazing teacher.  Despite not knowing Teal her whole life I am pretty sure she’s been a leader since day one!  She truly works at everything she does with a heart to see it succeed and be the best it can be!  Teal you are awesomesauce!


  1. Happy Birthday!!! 😀

  2. Happy Birthday Teal! Hope you had a great time at the Disney 1/2!!

  3. Happy Birthday!!!

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