Kacie’s Run

Well, Kacie’s Run is this Saturday and I think we are both a little nervous.  For some reason the shorter races are more stressful.  This will be the second year I have run the race and Beth’s first.  I am so excited we are running this together and she can see some of what I work with everyday.  Also, we are a little crazy this month as we are in fact competing in two races this weekend, Rock ‘n’ Roll Half relay is Sunday.  When I found out they were the same weekend I was a little worried, but then Beth said she would absolutely run this one too, well here we are.

Just to give you a little background, Kacie’s Run has been a Carrollton Farmer’s Branch Independent School District tradition since 2003, and honors one of its own students, Kacie Brekhus, who was tragically killed in a car accident during her freshman year at the University of Texas at Austin.  You can read more about her story here!  This race supports CFB Special Education and it is actually really cool to see CFB staff members, students, and the community come out for the race.  The part that makes me nervous is that current and past students participate,a nd of course they talk a lot of smack the week of.  I cannot tell you how many times I have heard, “Mrs., you can’t run, you can’t beat me,” etc.  They are also up on my running life, and the fact that Beth and I run together all the time.  I always tell them stories about running long runs on the weekends while they are still sleeping, and they have seen pictures of Beth and I, so in essence I am sure they are talking to her too.  No pressure!

Last year I had just started running again and Kacie’s Run was my first 5k in I don’t know how long.  I ran a very scary 34:58 minute race and was honestly surprised I didn’t die.  The goal was to not walk, which I accomplished, but barely!  This year is much different.

Here are our goals for Saturday’s race.  We’ll let you know how it goes, both of us are crossing our fingers that the wind dies down and that it doesn’t actually rain.

Goals for Kacie’s Run

Teal:  27 minute or better 5k

Beth:  Well, my last 5k I ran in 25:50 and I haven’t been running as much each week lately, so I am mainly hoping to not add a lot of minutes on to my time this weekend!  Definitely under 30 minutes!


Weather Forecast

High: 86* F

Low: 53* F

Wind: 12 mph

Prec: 30% chance, calling for Isolated T-storms

How Did We Even Get Here?

The beginning of this blog really began the Summer of 2010 before either of us really knew it.  Teal couldn’t shake the idea of wanting to run a Marathon at least once in her life and figured she might as well start with a Half Marathon first.  After both of us ran the Tour des Fleurs 10k in September the Half Marathon training really kicked off and the end goal was to complete the White Rock Half in December.  Some days were hard but we are both stubborn and competetive people that were not going to give up!  We both finished and under our original goals we had set out individually for ourselves.

Beth was hoping after running the half that Teal would realize running a full Marathon was a BIG goal and be satisfied with the Half Marathon accomplishment.  But when it was over neither one of us was satisfied – we wanted to do MORE!!  We decided that in 2011 we would run a race of varying lengths every month in 2011 and would end it with a BANG in December by hopefully running the White Rock Marathon.  So follow along with us as we run races and just trying and stay in an overall state of good shape this year!