Tuesday Poll

Ok, so one of us recently lost our first toenail due to one of our long races, so it got us wondering just how many toenails other people have lots and whose lost the most!  let us know in our poll:


[polldaddy poll=4816402]

Do You Use Leg Sleeves?

And if so what brand do you buy?  And why?

Would love to read any in all feedback so leave us some in the comments!

What Motivates You?

We have been asked by a few people what motivates us to run – we want to know what motivates YOU to run!

For both of us it is a means to staying active, healthy and in shape!  We set goals through signing up for races and maintaining our running ability.

Do you have differing reasons or an additional reasons why you run?  We want to know! Leave us a comment w/motivates YOU!

– Beth & Teal

What Do YOU Do with Your Race Bibs?

No, really we want to know!

Do you discard them?  Do you keep them in a box? Do you make an album with them?

So far this year we have 3 and 4 race bibs.  As you know 2011 is a different year for us and honestly, a special one, as we are tackling a goal we’ve never attempted before.

Leave us a comment and let us know!