Countdown Friday

Pretty sure we’ve said this before, but who doesn’t love a good countdown?! Here’s a glimpse at some of the current countdowns going through our heads –

9 days until half marathon no. 12, The Hottest Half

24 days until Teal’s new students are back in school


28 days until we head back out to California for Disneyland Half (half marathon no. 13) and hopefully getting our Coast to Coast medals as well!!

Disneyland Half 2011

59 days until we begin training for the Louisiana Marathon (mary no. 2)

85 days until Beth & Brent tie the knot!

Wordless Wednesday No. 27



Five Things About Us

If you follow us on Instagram you might have seen the picture below on Friday. If you don’t follow us on Instagram and you are in fact on there – go follow us! Right now!

Anyway, Courtney tagged us in a 5 Things About Us post on instagram and we thought we’d share that here with a little more detail.

1. Yes, Teal is married and Beth is engaged, but it’s ok to have a celebrity boyfriend on the side right?? One that we happen to both share?

2. You would really never know it since Teal straightens her hair all the time, but yes, she does in fact have curly hair! It’s not often that it’s in curly form and we actually had to go back to our beach trip in 2007 to find that picture.

3. We shop at the exact same clothing stores. We are not afraid to buy an article of clothing the other one has – clearly based on the above picture! This must mean we both have great taste! And we big time puffy heart Francesca’s!

4. Yep, we are! At any given moment we probably each have a bottle of nail polish on us or in our car. Ok, not actually when we are out on a run, but guarantee we both always have one bottle in our purse!

5. Could anyone be more obsessed with goldfish than the two of us? We don’t think so! Put a bag infront of us and it will NOT last!

Struggle City, Population: 2

The two of us somehow, someway and thankfully so are very in sync with each other a lot.  Have you noticed that throughout our blogging journey so far?

Our passion for running, trying to live healthy lives and being so in tune with each other is probably what makes Life is a Run a team that isn’t likely to be divided!

So that’s all happy and everything is puppies and roses, right?  Well, the truth is we even tend to go through struggling times together.

I’d say right now we are in struggling times.  In all aspects of our lives? Nah. In the running aspect? Yes.

Here is where we could insert excuses, but we won’t do that because then we just think…….


So we are in a funk.  Both of us are not really getting in the weekly running we thought we would be. And there have been a number of times you could find us texting like this…..

or gchatting like this……

So our running lives right now equal Struggle City, Population: 2.

Reading this you might think, whatever you’ll get over it!  We think and hope we will, but what’s got us reeeeally freaking out is that we are 16 days away from our next half marathon.  Our first half marathon in almost 4 months!  The Hottest Half!  The heat at that race scares us and our lack of running scares us.

But we have each other to run with –  yah, for our team of two!!

What do you do when you are in funks?  Does the hot weather make it harder for you to get out of a funk?

Beth’s Bachelorette Bash

As you might remember in our Throwback Thursday post a couple of weeks ago, we mentioned that Beth’s bachelorette party was that weekend! It has taken Teal this long to recover and recoup so I figured now was the time to let you all in on the excitement of the weekend.

Beth’s sister Kate was pretty much the mastermind of this event. We started the weekend by checking in at the Belmont Hotel in the in the Bishops Arts district. This is an awesome newly renovated 1940’s boutique hotel! We highly recommend checking it out.

That night we decided to keep it low key, as to go all out Saturday. We headed to Tillman’s Roadhouse for dinner and drinks. Even though it was low key we weren’t letting Beth out without her super classy bachelorette garb made by our friend Rebekah!

Dinner was awesome and even included table side smores!


In case you haven’t met us, we EAT! We headed to brunch at Smoke (which is conveniently located next to the Belmont Hotel!) Saturday morning, it is conveniently attached to the hotel! After Smoke we hit the pool to burn a few hours before heading out to Dry Bar! This pool has an amazing view of the Dallas skyline.

If you have never seen straight haired Beth, prepare to be amazed! All of us had our hair blown out at Dry Bar- if you have never been GO! They are awesome, include an adult beverage or two, and completely do your hair for you! We like!

We hadn’t totally planned this out, but we wanted to try the drinks at the hotel bar a.k.a. Bar Belmont and made a quick stop there before dinner! So many mixings on the beverages! Eeek!!  What to choose?

Every bride needs lingerie so we turned dinner into a lingerie party as well! We won’t mention the creepy waiter who lingered around for that part, oh wait.. we did, yuck!!

After dinner we headed across the street to Prime Bar where we put Beth to work! She too had a “scavenger hunt” and succeeded like a champ! Just to give you a little idea here are a few pics of her efforts!


Get 5 guys take a picture with you of their belly buttons. These guys were awesome!

We promise there were actually 5 of them!

Show us your muscles! She even got his first shirt off!

Get the advice of 5 male strangers on marriage!

Definitely some interesting advice out there!

Call the last person on a cell phone!

Pic with a guy named Brent- we at least we think that was his name! 🙂

We made one last stop at Dee Lincoln’s Bubble Bar for her last three tasks and headed to the hotel! Great ending to a perfect night!

Beth is such a trooper and we are now just a few days away from the 3 month mark until the wedding! Where has the time gone?

Throwback Thursday: Bachelorette Style

Since Beth’s bachelorette party is this weekend we thought in today’s post we would take you back to when we had this similar weekend for Teal in 2008! 🙂

Remember Hurricane Ike? Well, we do because as a result of that hurricane the weather was baaaad the majority of Teal’s bachelorette party weekend! It even kept our friend, Rebekah, from flying in to Dallas from New Hampshire. 🙁 But per usual, when one of our friend’s isn’t able to be somewhere with us, we brought along Rebekah-on-a-stick.
But have no fear – we are fun and thus kept the whole weekend fun! The above picture of Teal is from the nice restaurant we ate at on Friday night which actually burned down sooooo we couldn’t even tell you the name of it.
Saturday night we went out to one of both of our favorite restaurants in DFW for dinner, Cuba Libre! Mmmmm, queso and plantain chips! Which ironically is also no longer! But only because the owner decided to try a new concept by remodeling, changing names and switching up the menu….needless, to say new concept didn’t last. A lot of restaurants from this weekend are no more. 🙁

finishing Teal’s mojitos so we can go out to the bars!

In typical bachelorette party fashion Teal had a set of challenges she had to complete throughout the night and let me tell you – Teal is one good sport!

Teal and her challenge cards!

Call the last person a complete stranger called on their cell phone –


Sing I’m a Little Teapot to complete strangers –


On a side note Teal ended up singing to a group of guys next to us at dinner who were out for a bachelor party!

Get a sock from a random stranger –


Get a pair of underwear from a random man –


I’m not sure Teal was challenged to put on the pair of underwear from a random man, but she did accept that challenge anyway –

Overall, it was a FABULOUS weekend! And here is to this weekend! Now we will leave you with one more awesome dance picture –

Have a great bachelorette party: check!

Weekend Update!

You might be wondering what we have been up to since we have taken a short break from running, kind of….well, OK, at least official ½ marathons every weekend 🙂

So here is a quick update of this weekend!!

Friday Teal graduated with her Master’s Degree from the University of North Texas- as you saw on Friday’s post but why not repeat it!?! Long time coming!!

Michael & Teal

Teal and her parents

Beth is trucking along in wedding planning, (How is it already the middle of May?) and has been super busy checking things off the to do list. This week she got to check off the WEDDING CAKE!! Can’t wait to eat that for sure! Then was able to also take advantage of the fact that one of our best friends, Rebekah, was in town. Rebekah is an awesome quilter/seamstress and Beth has a secret sewing project in her mind! As a bonus Beth was able to hang with Baby Eliza who you may remember from one of our Christmas posts! She is growing up SO fast!

Such a happy girl!

Because one picture just isn’t enough! See how cute she is?!

Saturday we were both able to meet up and have a graduation celebration and spend more time with Rebekah and of course our other close friends!! We ate at Coal Vines for dinner and had a blast, despite that fact that it took FOR. EV. ER. to get a seat. (you think we are kidding….nope it’s the truth!) Seating a party of 10 at a busy restrurant on a Saturday may have not been the best idea but we made it work! 🙂

Sunday was of course Mother’s day and who doesn’t want to celebrate Mom!!  Teal at her Granny’s house for a cookout and Beth at Babe’s Chicken. SOOOO good!

Teal and her brothers – Trey and Brad

Beth & her oldest nephew, Wesley, on Mother’s Day! If you look close enough on the left you can see Beth’s Mom!

And you think that wasn’t enough?? We got in a little work out too!!

Beth headed out for a 6 plus mile run

And Teal to do some bleacher work at the local high school!

Let us know how your weekend was! We would also like to give a belated shout out to all of the Mother’s out there! You do more than anyone could ever know! Hope you had a fabulous weekend! 🙂

Today isn’t Just Friday, It’s….

…..GRADUATION DAY!!! A big congrats to Teal and her husband, Michael, who will both be walking the stage at the University of North Texas today!!


Teal has been like a super woman the last few years being a full time teacher, attending grad school and working part time for her dad at Mower Medic! Enjoy the day, Teal!! Congrats!! 🙂

BluePrint Cleanse Recap

As you saw in my April goals #1 was to survive the BluePrint Cleanse. At the advice of my trainer and basically just myself and my sanity, I decided to do a more intense cleanse then I had done before. I can not afford the actual BluePrint Cleanse, where they actually send you everything made because it runs about $75 bucks a day plus shipping so, yea, I’m a teacher, that won’t work. I decided to just buy their book and buy the supplies. The total cost of everything, including a 3 day pre-cleanse and 3 day post-cleanse ran about $110 bucks. Not bad for 9 days worth of food!

The pre-cleanse is basically 3 days of preparing your body to deal with straight juice for 3 days. I know, and you probably do too that when we know we aren’t going to eat or we are going to be “cut off” of things then we cram food. Like maybe decide to eat the most fattening meal ever the night before, well, if you did that and went straight to juice you would die. I didn’t do that anyways but I still wanted to pre-cleanse. This was totally not bad and runs around 1100-1200 calories. I was still able to work out too!


Day 1: 2 pieces of fruit, gazpacho, veggies and hummus, veggie tacos (avocado and sprouted corn tortillas)

Day 2:  basically the same but instead of veggies you can have a larabar

Day3:  basically the same but for dinner you eat a big salad with tons of veggies

Prep for the actual cleanse is a little insane and this is where I do wish I had a money tree! Juicing is messy and I cut my finger on the stupid pineapple. I made my juices over two nights because honestly it took me forever. The juice will keep for the 3 days if you do it all at once!

Here is what you drink

1-     greens with apple

2-     watermelon

3-     greens with blueberry and apple

4-     pineapple and mint

5-     greens with apple

6-     milk drink (basically ground cashews, coconut oil, water)

Day 1: I started the actual cleanse on a Thursday and had to work. I teach so this made me extremely nervous. I even freaking spilled my green drink at my desk! I almost cried! Also I am essentially trapped in a room for hours at a time with very short breaks to actually go the bathroom. It really was not too bad though. I did have to go to the bathroom at least once an hour just due to the increase in liquids. But I mean nothing bad that I’m embarrassed to say 🙂 I chose the second level of cleansing because I have done cleanses before and figured I could handle it.

See the spill?

Day 2: This day really was the worst, I just really wanted to chew, but was not that hungry! I did not like the “milk” drink you take at night and couldn’t drink it. It’s made with ground cashews so instead of drinking it I just ate a handful. I don’t think I actually ruined anything with this but who knows – the chewing just might have saved me. I did have to take “smooth move” tea, because I really wasn’t going #2 haha! That worked out well!

Day 3– I actually really did feel awesome. I was full, my joints weren’t hurting, not even in my knees, and my eyes no longer really had bags under them! I felt really good and still do even today! I ended day 3 with my last green drink and right before bed ate some more cashews.

Honestly I was not hungry. I actually didn’t even want to drink all of the juice sometimes because I didn’t feel hungry. The drinks do not taste bad, the green one takes some getting used to, and if I actually liked coconut I would have liked the “milk.” At this point, I am not 100% sure how much weight I lost. On the second day I was down a full 5 from the last time I weighed right before, and today at the gym, 2 days after the cleanse is completely over, I was down 8 pounds total. Not bad, the weight is awesome, but I also for the first time just feel really good!

Just my advice:

–          Drink lots of water and green tea- so much so that you think you will pop

–          Buy smooth move tea – it doesn’t taste bad and works

–          Learn to love Apple Cider Vinegar and drink it if you are hungry (mix with a little honey and drink warm) it’s the least gross way!

–          Plan!! And don’t do this when you have to go places, its annoying to carry a cooler – I took one to school and it annoyed me with all the ice!

–          Your kitchen will be a holy mess, so if you are crazy like me learn to breathe!

Beware of weird questions! Liiike – What the hell is that? Is that gross? What are you doing? Why would you do that? That’s weird. (Oh and evil sideways stares at the grocery store because your buggy has far too many fruits and veggies)


Three Things Thursday [Ladies Themed]

Sorry to the dudes…this is geared more towards the ladies! BUT you can still read if you would like! 🙂

1.  In two days we are running the Kacie’s Run 5K, in three days we are running Dallas Rock ‘n’ Roll Half Marathon AND in nine days we’ll be running the ZOOMA half marathon in Austin!! Like how we snuck three things into this one thing? We’re awesome like that!

2.  For our Dallas area people – come join us and some amazing vendors at this Girls Night Out! Event!  If you are coming PLEASE let us know!! 🙂

If you’ve been meaning to find a Scentsy person – there will be one there!

If you’ve been meaning to buy one of those cute no-slip headbands you see other ladies wearing at races – GlitzBandz will be there!

If you’ve been meaning to buy a new chicklit book – self published author, Kate O Lynch will be there!

If you’ve been meaning to get cute new jewelry – Melissa Vest will be there selling her handcrafted jewelry!

If you’ve been meaning to checkout a new line of skincare products – 3000BC will be there!

There will be little of something for everyone there plus a door prize and who doesn’t love wine?

3.  In keeping with the about the ladies theme of this post..check back with us on Monday as we have a GIVEAWAY coming!

Happy pre-Friday, friends! 🙂