Just like the title says…….We are back!

Maybe you already know, but if you didn’t we have each had another baby boy this year and since we last blogged!

We are adjusting to our new normals as mothers of tow. Working out slash running is once again a part of our lives, however, it looks a lot different than when we had one kid.

Photo Oct 01, 1 31 33 PM (1)

But can we all agree that a happy mom is very important so bring on the workouts!?

In a giant leap of faith we have decided to dream big for us and our families by joining with other women who want change. What is that change you ask?

We are happy to announce we have joined Beautycounter.

If we are being real, 2017 has ben a very bittersweet year that has brought new levels of sadness neither one of us has ever known. Each of us has had either a parent or a close friend battle cancer this year which has really renewed a desire in both of us to clean up our lives as much as possible. For most people this begins with one aspect of their life and expands from there. Personally, for both of this stage one was food and even more so by our recent completion of Whole30 in October (more on that in a different post). The second stage for both of us was switching over household cleaners to less toxic ingredients and now we are officially switching our beauty products.


A pic of our older dudes in case you forgot what they look like ;)

A pic of our older dudes in case you forgot what they look like 😉

We are passionate about this change for us personally, our immediate families, extended families, our friends and anyone willing to listen. With cancer hitting home to both of us this year we want to do all that we can to eliminate cancer causing ingredients from even coming in contact with touching our skin and that is where Beautycounter comes in for us.

Beautycounter not only wants to empower people to change their lives with better beauty products but by also getting out there and fighting change legislation in our country that severely outdated.

All of this to say, 2017 has thrown us a lot of curveballs but we are doing all that we can do to reclaim this year and make something GREAT of it!