Remember That Time We Ran the Turkey Trot in 2013?!

Remember That Time We Ran the Turkey Trot in 2013?!

Happy 2014!! We are playing catch up over here….we enjoyed our holidays a little too much that we neglected the ol’ blog.  Maybe next holiday season we should just plan on that and let you know we are taking a vaca.  Things to think about for this new year, huh? Well, let’s get to the ol’ catch up……

pre race car pic

pre race car pic

All we really want to say about this race is we are SO glad that the Turkey Trot people got it together and let the timed runners start in a separate corral from the non-timed runners. They also banned the strollers and dogs in that corral making it much safer for the actual runners. We were very worried about this race last year with falling and obviously a little more worried about it this year (you know since Teal is with child) before we knew about the change. It seemed to work so much better and we didn’t see anyone fall which was reeeeeally not the case in the past!


Miles 1-4

Teal: So with all that said about the new system we got there and had to pee really fast and get in that corral because it’s shut off! I think we made it by like 3 minutes!  Please note that I actually went to the bathroom before the race. By mile 1 I was dying and needed to pee again and there was not a stop there. The stop was just before mile 2 and apparently everyone and their dog had to go as well. I was seriously contemplating stopping but in my head I was like, you are running slower, Chase is doing the 5k and Beth is speedy so you stopping here it is going to take like 10 minutes just suck it up. Worst mistake. I figured at the next water station they would have at least a port-o-potty. NOPE, nothing! I would also like to add here that this was really the first time I ever noticed the X in the road to mark where JFK was killed. They had made a big deal about that this year due to the 50th anniversary and they repaved the road. So any concerned can now rest easy because it’s there! Anyway, I kept thinking, get to the bridge they always have one up there, but little had I paid attention, they changed the entire  course. I saw a bathroom on the way other side of the road at about mile 3 and that was going to take too much effort again. Then my saving grace at about mile 4ish this women was passing out tissues. I ran over, grabbed a handful and peed behind the dumpster basically in front of a cop. I was super worried that he might get mad or ticket me, because he kept looking over like, what is that lady doing. You totally aren’t allowed to pee in public so the entire time I was coming up with my very true pregnant lady excuse. Either way it saved me! Thank you to whomever you are for our tissues!

Beth: Per usual there was still a lot of weaving to be done in this race in the beginning.  It just brings so many people out that it happens.  I was confused though since we had the timed corral with NO DOGS and NO STROLLERS allowed to see some dogs and strollers.  I guess some people did not start at the actual start line and just jumped in!? There’s always a side of crazy at this race. Or maybe that’s every race and we just don’t always know it? No real complaints on the first few miles I was just trying to find my groove and stick with.  I was annoyed towards the 5K cutoff because that comes up and there’s a sign that says turn left here for the 5k then down the road there is a sign that says you missed the 5K turn so turn around.  A pair of walkers on my right decided to turn left as I was running by them.  I hope they enjoyed my “WATCH WHERE YOU’RE GOING!” 🙂

Miles 4-8

Teal: Really went by without me even noticing, the course while flat is pretty boring. Not much happening and there really is like no crowd support or anything. By 6 I had to pee again. This is the worst I have ever had this pee issue before. I stopped at the one that was like at 6.5ish (the one that was too much of a pain earlier) and then went on about my way.  The last mile is up hill and kind of a pain in the arse but really still not bad. I was just super glad they changed the course because last year’s course was waaaaaay hillier! Thanks again Turkey Trot people. We appreciate it. They really have restored my love for this race and I have way less bitchy issues about it this year than I have in the past!

Beth: Here I was excited for the change of scenery a little bit, ok, well it isn’t really a beautiful area of town per se but having a change in the course was a nice change.  This portion provided a bit of an out an back part and as I was running the out part I overheard a teenager walking down the median of the street saying “I guess I missed the turn off somewhere??” Haha! I laugh but I’ve missed a turn off myself too. I wasn’t really trying for a PR this day, but I was happy to find out my time that day was only 7 seconds away from my 8 mile PR!  Not only that but this race has been pretty consistent over the past few years – 2013: 1:11:43; 2012: 1:11:36 and 2011: 1:11:46. Now to try and break that 1:11 time! 🙂 This year was a fun year because I actually got to see my SIL, Lindsay out there and Uncle Rob!



Lindsay, Uncle Rob and Beth

IMG_1292[1]See you in 2014, Turkey Trot!

Merry Christmas 2013 Style!!

Merry Christmas 2013 Style!!

Merry Christmas to you and yours!!



holland frontLove, LiAR (and their other halfs!)

Thank you to Kate O Group for the beautiful holiday cards!!

Wordless Wednesday No. 42

Wordless Wednesday No. 42

AugSep Collage v2

Oct Collage v2


Nov Collage v2

How the Ice Ate Dallas Marathon

How the Ice Ate Dallas Marathon

Just in case you didn’t know or somehow missed, we were supposed to run the Dallas Marathon this past Sunday (Beth the full and Teal the half), but Mother Nature had a completely different plan for us and the rest of the Dallas Marathon hopefuls. Thursday afternoon Dallas weather turned from what was a warm, high in the 70’s during the week to what we Dallasites refer to as the #Icepocalypse2013.


Our favorite weatherman, Pete Delkus, basically told us on Thursday night that we were all about to be “entombed” by ice. We of course spent our evenings in denial and really just seemed worried about what the heck we would wear to run in this weather. Beth tweeted our Colorado friend Courtney for advice on what to wear since she is used to this sort of thing. We were not thinking at all that we actually not run this race at all, or at least if the thought was there we were trying to ignore it!


Turns out Pete was right (and he’s apparently now a weather god) and when we woke up Friday Texas looked much like this…




Roads were ridiculous and not drivable. We southerners are not prepared for this type of thing, it’s not just that people can’t drive or don’t know how to drive on it, we simply don’t have the road clearing equipment like they do in the north, and the little we have is not enough to clear the metroplex with any type of speed! We are always just stuck when this happens, entombed, if you will! Ugh! We still were pretty much in denial and thought the weather would get above freezing before Sunday and we could run. Surely it would, right?? We thought maybe they would just delay it. Dallas Marathon folks let us know what they could and instead of canceling the expo they delayed the opening until 2pm on Friday. That has to be a good sign right?


Well, then Friday lunch time came around. Nothing was improving, and we were all trapped. Then it came. An email from Dallas Marathon at 12:50ish Friday afternoon, cancelling not only the expo but cancelling the race altogether. 🙁


The worst email we’ve gotten in awhile! 🙁

There it was. Months of training seemingly wasted, especially for those who battled months of marathon training. Devastating really, without trying to be hugely dramatic, we get there are worse things in life, but for this, at this time, it is devastating. It was hard not to have a pity party. We did and started to Google. There has to be another marathon close that is open? We can drive (wait, can we??) Either way. We looked. The BCS marathon in College Station was the best bet but just still wasn’t feasible for us. :-/ We were out from running.

Commence eating all the carbs…






We ate, slept, did puzzles, and talked with Catherine (we are positive all of our husband’s rolled their eyes on this one) all weekend, and continued to live in denial that this had actually happened.




Come Sunday, we really hadn’t heard much about the details about the cancellation. We knew, having run a ton of races that we were not going to get a refund and we knew that and were not mad. We didn’t know about anything else.  Dallas Marathon again sent us another email…


They are giving us our participant shirts!!

We think this was an awesome response and we took to Facebook to thank them for handling it so well.  We were pretty shocked to see some of the responses given to the race. Like “where is our refund”, or “ how could you do this”, or whatever other idiotic response you can think of. We knew, everyone knew, you had to click an agreement before you could complete your registration that there would be no refunds for the race. This is pretty much a standard in racing and SUPER rare that you would actually get money back due to weather or cancellation. We get it. Apparently many others do not.

This race is put on by RUNNERS for RUNNERS. It is not one of those races that travels all over the country making tons of money putting on races. We can point you in the direction of some of those if you would like. This is different and this should be a learning experience for all. We do not claim to know what all goes in to race directing but we do know that this race gives a medal, a participant shirt, a finisher’s shirt, fancy bibs, food for runners, water stations, Gatorade, safety, police, port-o-potties, and anything else you can think of that we left off! We know money comes from different places and there are donations, but we also know that Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for Children benefits directly from money raised by Dallas Marathon. Hopefully others know this now because to call them thieves we think is a little ridiculous!

Needless to say we vented and then thanked Dallas Marathon for making the decision. They did what was best for the safety of runners and also for the city already strapped for resources. They knew it is not a good idea to take resources from the city to clear a race course when thousands didn’t have power, the roads needed to be scraped and sand poured, and officers needed to help those in need. Thank you for that!

Also, if you haven’t met our friend Erik. You are about to. He, and his friends, have been a part of an unofficial, which should be official (wink, wink Dallas Marathon) cheering section at the Dolly Parton hills (more frequently referred to as “The Dollies”), one of the most challenging areas of the course. Erik dresses as a Dolly, and helps runners up and down those hills in style. He sent us these pictures to cheer us, and everyone else up.






Pretty Sexy isn’t he? (sorry, he’s taken!) Who would want to miss this cheer section? Not us, and we didn’t have to this year either! He made our day and made the blow of the cancellation a little more bearable! Thank you for that, Erik!

Thanks again Dallas Marathon!! Mother Nature we are still pretty irritated at you, but we will be back in 2014!

December Goals

December Goals

The post where we tell you what we hope to accomplish throughout this month. 🙂

Teal – 

1. Run the Dallas Half Marathon and be happy about it! It will make me tired, it will not be super fast, the weather gods are clearly against us at the current moment, and I probably would rather sleep and stay warm in my bed that day ( I still get chills thinking about 2011, and the news said worst weather ever) NO MORE WATCHING THE NEWS! I want to run this and be happy about it at the end, enjoy each mile and the scenery, not annoy myself, and be super ready to cheer on Beth and Catherine for their last 13 when I am done!

photo (14) 2

2. House-wise I would like to finish the kitchen windows which I didn’t do last month. This involves finding fabric and making the window cornices Beth has made and Kate featured on her blog!

3. UHHH Christmas shop? When did it become December and why is Christmas 3 weeks away already? I am such a slacker at this every year and if you have been reading a while I am pretty certain I had to make decorate a goal last year because I have been known to skip it, so I’ll go ahead and add that in there.

4. I want to continue one long run a week regardless of when the next race is. For me long is now about 9 miles and one mid-week run of at least 4-5. Everything else (cross training, spin, Stairmaster) I will call icing on the cake!

5. BLEACHERS! 1 day a week. This involves walking them unlike before! Get there one day. This makes your booty hurt more than anything I do in life. Must get there.

Bleacher pic from Melissa 2

Beth – 

1. Ok, I’m copying Teal on this….run the Dallas Marathon and be happy that you have the ability to run 26.2 miles!

2. Hang shelf in our dining room so the clock has some company on the wall!

3. Make my own Christmas wreath for our front door.

4. Keep up with running after Dallas Marathon (you know after a couple of rest days).

5. Attempt to complete my goodreads goal of 26 books in 2013.  What should I read this month?! I’m currently reading How to Eat a Cupcake by Meg Donohue.

6. I think I should also tag-a-long and do some bleachers with Teal. Don’t you think so?

It is crazy that 2013 is about to come to a close on us! What are trying to accomplish this month? 

November Report Card

November Report Card


1. Basically because my last month’s goals are a continuing struggle I am rolling all of those forward as well and will keep working on it.

B+: I am still not logging my food everyday as I used to but I am drinking all my water, I have stopped eating the 800 sweets I was eating at the beginning and I am all over eating better with meals not totally prepped but at work and ready to eat. I think this is just because I am WAYYYY less tired than I was even last month! Yea for that! And I will continue to work on this big time as the months move on being pregnant! I really don’t want to go crazy although it’s a struggle. I want to eat all the time!

2. You might have figured out by now that that room I was working on 2 months ago is the room the baby is going to live it when she gets here. I NEED to clean that completely out so that the construction guys can come in and replace all the walls and ceiling and I would like that to get taken care of by the end of this month. So FOR REAL this time, GET THE BACK ROOM CLEANED OUT!

A: DONE! Finally! Well except for that ottoman in the middle, it is actually sold just waiting for it to get picked up! The room has been de-cluttered and the stuff is now organized in other parts of the house, donated or trashed! Thank you Thanksgiving break!  Also, which I was not expecting to get done this month, is the walls. They were torn down due to issues with patching, an old roommate’s hanging abilities, and a foundation repair; they just needed to come out. They are out, and news walls are in, textured, and primed. They are not painted because I have no clue what the colors will be in there. This is huge progress!! I am the most pumped about this being “done!”

nov rep card 1


nov rep card 2

3. Choose a new paint color and fabric for the kitchen. They are coming in to remodel the kitchen within the next 3 to 4 weeks and I really want to learn how to make Roman shades for the 4 windows in my kitchen. It is too ambitious for me to say I will actually make the shades this month, but the goal is to get everything ready for them.

B-: Paint was chosen and actually painted, but I have not made it to the store to look at fabric. I also have changed my mind and will make the cornice things like Beth and her sister Kate have done in their homes. Yep just call me copy cat! But I like!!

nov rep card 3

Beth –

1. Stop letting your car be a gym bag! I am not even posting a picture of this because it embarrasses me and no, Teal, will not take a picture and upload it here. :)

A: Totally got my car cleaned up!  Of course it helped that we decided Brent would drive my car on a weekend trip he was taking.  I even ordered this handy dandy trunk organizer to help me out.  Thanks to Teal for that idea!


2. Yoga twice a week!

F: I guess I’ll go with that as I did once a week! Yay, I did half of what I meant to do.

3. READ!! This month I’m going to need to read 3 books in order to catch up!  The book club selection for November is Ladies’ Night by Mary Kay Andrews.

D-: I don’t know if that should even be what I give myself.  Apparently with marathon training I slack big time on my reading.  I didn’t even finish Ladies’ Night in time for book club.  BUT I did finish it and started another book before the month was over. 🙂  Well, and I still have started Allegiant just haven’t finished it………….

ladies night

4. Buy fabric for the master bath and make another DIY window cornice!

A+: Bought the fabric and this past weekend when my beloved Aggies were making me nervous in their game against Mizzou I made the cornice for our bathroom.  We just have such big windows in our house it almost looks dinky up there, doesn’t it??


Joint Goal –

Have pictures done and Christmas cards from Kate ordered!!  Who doesn’t love supporting local? Kate is a Dallasite that is an awesome graphic designer, so we can’t wait to work with her to design Christmas cards for each of us this year!  

We are both going to go with C on this one.  Teal wasn’t able to get the picture part done in the month of November due to work.  Beth decided to get more people involved in family photos, got it scheduled and done.  We both have also given Kate our design ides for our cards and we both just have to get a picture off to her.  Hooray for progress!

Tasty Tuesday: Slow Cooker Teriyaki Pork

Tasty Tuesday: Slow Cooker Teriyaki Pork

We’ve had this recipe multiple times and it is definitely husband approved.  Such a good recipe for when you need a break from cooking chicken this and chicken that.

There is a slaw recipe that goes right along with the pork and I like to make that the night before since it requires a bit of chopping.


2-twelve ounce pork tenderloins

1/2 cup reduced-sodium soy sauce

1/4 cup rice vinegar

3 Tablespoons packed brown sugar

2 Tablespoons olive oil

2 teaspoons grated fresh ginger

2 cloves garlic, minced

1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper

Toasted sesame seeds (optional)



In a small bowl mix together soy sauce, vinegar, brown sugar, oil, ginger and garlic.  Place the pork tenderloins in your slow cooker and pour the sauce you just mixed together over the meat.

2013-06-11 09.25.53.jpg

Cover your slow cooker and let cook for 2 1/2 – 3 hours on high-heat or 5 – 6 hours on low-heat.

Once your pork is finished transfer to a cutting board and leave the cooking liquid in the slow cooker for now.  Cut the meat into 1/2 inch thick slices.

Serve with Asian Slaw (recipe below) and drizzle meat with cooking liquid. (Optional – sprinkle with sesame seeds)




5 cups shredded napa cabbage

1 medium yellow bell pepper (cut into strips)

1/2 cup shredded carrot

1/2 cup of snow peas w/pods sliced lengthwise

1/4 cup sliced green onion

3 Tablespoons rice vinegar

2 Tablespoons of olive oil

1 Tablespoon of toasted sesame seed oil

1 Tablespoon of reduced-sodium soy sauce

Pinch of salt

2013-06-11 09.22.43


In a large bowl you’ll combine all of the vegetables that have been cut up.

2013-06-11 09.23.42

In small mason jar (or similar jar with a screw top lid) combine the rice vinegar, olive oil, toasted sesame oil, soy sauce and salt.  After screw the lid on shake up the mixture.  Pour the mixture over the vegetables in your bowl and toss to coat.

2013-06-11 20.14.49

Ok, as you can see I didn’t actually cut my meat into 1/2 inch slices and it’s so tender so it works this way as well!

For a print out of the entire recipe please click here.


Five Years Going on Twelve

Five Years Going on Twelve

Cheers to year no. 5 going on 12… I can’t wait to see what the next year brings with adding a little one to the mix! I couldn’t have picked anyone better to go through this crazy life with!

photo (17)


photo (16)

Advocare Ten Day Cleanse: Dinner

Advocare Ten Day Cleanse: Dinner

OK! You have almost made it through your day and just have 2 meals left! Here is how dinner and your late night snack go. Make sure you have been drinking an annoyingly large amount of water! Make sure to drink a glass with each of these following meals and one at the end of the day. Water will help flush your system. We all need a little reminder sometimes.

Also a little word of advice from past experience, don’t drink Spark after about 2:00 p.m. If you are using Spark I would make sure you don’t drink any for dinner or later in the afternoon. We do sometimes workout in the afternoons and we will still take the Catalyst about 15 minutes before a work out, if you are taking that it is still OK to take in the afternoon.


Timing: Should be about 3 hours after your afternoon snack to help control hunger.

Advocare products to take: Take 2-4 Omegaplex tablets WITH this meal. Drink lots of water!

What you can eat for Dinner:  This is basically exactly like lunch. If you can make it without the complex carb that is the BEST for weight loss on The Cleanse, but if you need it eat it. You will be fine!

Choose 1 protein from this list: Grilled chicken, salmon, tuna, turkey (not processed), 3 eggs or lean ground beef

Choose 1 complex carb (only if you need it) from this list: ½ cup of brown rice, sweet potato, or brown or whole wheat pasta

Choose as many veggies as you would like: Anything green is your first option and yes avocado is ok. Lettuce, broccoli, zucchini, green beans, asparagus, spinach, cucumber or celery. Also tomatoes and onions are OK.

*If making a salad use salsa or fresh lemon and lime.



This is only if needed! You do not have to eat this if you are feeling fine! Just listen to your body.

Timing:  varies but hopefully about an hour before bedtime or more.

What you can eat: Fruit. 1 serving

The lower on the glycemic index the better! Think berries, cherries, apples, pears, grapefruit, apricots – these are all lower in sugar.  If you go with melons, mangoes, papayas, pineapples – these are all higher in sugar.  They won’t ruin your cleanse at all and they are obviously healthy, but if you think about it go less sugar for the 10 days.



Take your Herbal Cleanse Pills on days 1-7 with a HUGE glass of water.

You are done! Sleep tight!

DRC Half 2013

DRC Half 2013

So we ran our first half in 7 months! 7 months?!?! Can’t believe we went that long, but we did.  But this is a great race put on by the Dallas Running Club hence the DRC and we weren’t able to run it last year as it was the day Beth & Brent got back from their honeymoon.  So 2011 was our last and first encounter with the DRC Half!


This year we got a long sleeve shirt and upon completion of the race a finisher tech shirt! Behold the long sleeve shirt.

The way in which we handle race mornings kind of goes back and forth a lot and depends on how big the race is, the location of the race and what experience we’ve had with this race in the past.  We had a 7:30 start time for the DRC Half, so Beth was going to aim to be at Teal’s house at 6 a.m. which meant she’d be there a few minutes after 6:00 a.m. at the earliest until she realized she left her Garmin at home and turned around to go get it which would have put her at Teal’s house past 6:15 a.m. Ha!  But then Teal texted about how she meant to get peanut butter because they were accepting donations of peanut butter to be given to the North Texas Food Bank and Beth went ohhhh, yah, I wanted to do that too.  So plans were quickly altered and we met in the parking lot of Walmart, Teal’s favorite store (sarcasm font), to get us some peanut butter!

drc photo 1 (2)

We basically made it in time to stand in the line for the port-a-potties, Teal to spot her trainer friend, drop off the peanut butter and run into our friend Elaine before we made our way to the “corrals.”

drc photo 2 (2)

Miles 1-3

Teal:  I was pretty nervous going into this race even though I have been running. Pretty much between 9 and 10 miles each weekend and shorter runs or cross training during the week but the first ½ marathon while pregnant made me nervous. I knew I would not run under 10 minutes a mile so I started out at just that. Beth and I had both decided to not run without music because really we haven’t been running with it at all lately. It actually proved to be very entertaining. During the first 3 miles I stayed with a pack of men between the ages of 68 and 70. Yes I felt slow, and I only know their ages because they made fun of each other the entire time. One man was like, “only those in the 60-69 age group wear knee braces,” needless to say they both had them on the exact same leg. Another said “I can’t wait to get to that 70 age group next year and smoke them all.” I was pretty much dying laughing for this stretch and it made it go by pretty fast!  So impressed they are still running at 70!

Beth: I didn’t really have expectations for this race, so I more just wanted to run, not die and be happy with myself by the end of it.  Ok, well, actually I did ideally want to run it in under 2 hours since I know I am capable of that.  It was chilly race morning so I was just more anxious to get warmed up in these first few miles.  It was in these miles that a lady dropped something I went back and grabbed it for her and thought wonder if I’ll regret doing this later because of the big maybe 3 seconds I just lost. 🙂

Miles 3-6

Teal: HILLY.. FREAKING HILLY!! Beth lied to me! She told me it wasn’t hilly and I am pretty sure at this point I knew why she lied to me. It sucked. It is one of those that literally every other turn is up hill. I made a decision to run them. I wanted to walk them but I RAN them! I figured if nothing else, if I didn’t make it or died at the end, I could at least say I ran the hard part. I kept going back and forth with a trainer I knew from 24 hour fitness, Mark, and he kept walking the hills. I actually felt pretty strong up them but once I hit about 6.5 my legs felt like lead.

Beth: Hehe, I wasn’t tryyyyying to lie to Teal.  Maybe I’m just really bad at reading race course elevations, OK?!  I thought there would be two main bad hill areas and so I’d apparently not even made myself aware of how hilly this race was.  Neither one of us really remembers the course for DRC 2011, but we know we didn’t run the exact same one.  Pretty much anytime you run a race that’s around White Rock and takes you off into the neighborhoods surrounding the lake there will be hills.  I normally slow pace down to run up a hill and don’t go for the as fast as you can so it’s over faster method because I fear I won’t recover my breathing and what not soon enough should there be another hill. So that meant this area I had a lot of back and forth with some other runners that would pass me on the hills and I would catch back up to them once they were over.  At the mile 4 marker I was presently surprised to see one of my tweeps that I know not because of running! 🙂 Laura was volunteering at that mile marker calling out times as everyone passed it was a pleasant surprise to see her and helped get me up the hill at that moment!

the elevation chart found online for this race

the elevation chart found online for this race

Miles 6-9

Teal: Legs are pretty much dead at this point. I always wonder if people get the same feeling I do after running tons of hills in a row, my legs feel fine on the hills but when I get to the flat part if feels like soooo much more work. At 6.5 is the first time I actually walked during the race. I had walked all the water stations but didn’t walk during the actual race. I ate all my gummy bears between mile 6.5 and 7 because I was starving!

Beth:  More back and forth with the people plowing up the hills and then me catching back up to them.  At this point in the race I was around this dude and maybe it was because I was getting tired that I kept thinking you really aren’t funny! 🙂  He asked a volunteer where a turn was that you know was abundantly clear WHERE the turn was.  At the mile 7 marker he asked that volunteer calling out times what mile we were at.  I don’t think that volunteer found it funny as he was taking his job seriously and having to be on top of calling out times.  Oh, well I eventually lost him at some point and wasn’t too sad about it.

Miles 9-12

Teal: After mile 9 you have pretty much made it up the last hill over by the spillway bridge. THANK GOD. If there had been more I might have died. I am super familiar with this part of the lake and just did my normal mental talks. “make it to the arboretum”, “make it to the forest” “make it to the boats.” It worked and I just continued to walk water stations. I knew at around 11.5-12ish I would see Catherine because she was going to hang out in the “forest area” because there is a playground. I kept running knowing I would get some motivation and I knew after that I wouldn’t stop again. That area was the last water station! I saw Catherine and she made an awesome sign that said “ baby Catherine Elizabeth wants her first bling” (Please note: Catherine and Beth have named my child after them, they are flexible in the order, Catherine Elizabeth, Elizabeth Catherine, either will due for them…. She really has no name at this point so I’ll let them claim this for now 🙂 )

Beth: It was in this part of the race I hated myself.  I knew after we got just far enough from the car before the race started that I hadn’t put body glide on my shoulders for where my sports bra tends to chaff and oohhhh I could feel the pain of that chaffing.  I knew Catherine was going to be at one of the park areas along the lake with her kids, but I didn’t know for sure which one she’d pick and then I saw her and was so excited to see a familiar face!  She had a sign for me that said “Hurry up, Beeper, only 3 more miles to the port-a-potties!”  Haha, because every long run we’ve done I make her stop at some point during the run for me to go the bathroom. 🙂

Miles 12-13.1

Teal: Pretty much felt like the death march. I was super-hot and very much wanted to be done running. I  took off my jacket around 12.5 just in time for Jesse to snap a ridiculously ugly pictures of me walking and taking off my top, HOT I tell ya, HAWTTT!!! @@. I was secretly hoping I would see someone I knew here and maybe Beth had been done so long she wanted to come drag me in. I saw Mark and he cheered me on to the last stretch and saw Beth immediately after finishing!!

Beth: I was just ready to be done during this part.  The chaffing part of my shoulder sucked.  It was nice to see Jesse out there and see yet another familiar face!  At this point I knew I would be coming into the finish line under 2 hours and I was happy!  My official time ended up being 1:57:42 – a success!

Teal: This was not my fastest, duh, who is surprised, but not my slowest, which kind of surprised me. Overall I was pretty proud of my effort and lack of walking. Bring on half number 2 slash 20 on December 8th!!

Side note: We are super excited about the race bling serious they have started. Each year will represent a different part of the lake on the metal. This year was the pump house, next year, Winfrey Point, which many of you know has a special place in our heart now. We have tons of motivation to keep running this over the next few years to collect them all! God help us that we can keep staying in this kind of shape!


We also stayed at this race for. ev. er. 🙂  We found #TeamK in the beer garden and had to hangout with them.  They’d actually acquired a new friend in the beer garden, Glen, which we all might run into again at Dallas Marathon. Fingers crossed!

The LiARs and Michelle from #TeamK

The LiARs and Michelle from #TeamK


Erik from #TeamK

Erik from #TeamK

We all enjoyed chatting with Glen and hearing about all the running he’s done over the years.  We also all admired his legs! Ha Hence while the below picture captured them. 🙂


January babies!

Over all it was a fun day and such an exciting day for Teal & baby to complete their first half marathon!!