Wordless Wednesday No. 13

Welcome to the world, Eliza!  We love you already and are so excited for your parents, Rebekah & Zac!


Eliza’s daddy, Zac, is a fellow marathoner who with his last marathon on December 11, 2011 in Bryan, TX became eligible to be a  Marathon Maniac! We are so proud of you, Zac!  Rebekah is one of our best friends who has not only been a cheerleader for her husband at races but also for us.  We love you guys! Congrats!


  1. She’s so CUTE! I want to meet her!


  1. […] ahead and include our day trip to College Station! You might remember from last week the arrival of baby Eliza, well, we took a road trip to meet her and see the new parents, Rebekah & […]

  2. Next Post « says:

    […] in her mind! As a bonus Beth was able to hang with Baby Eliza who you may remember from one of our Christmas posts! She is growing up SO fast! Such a happy girl! Because one picture just isn’t enough! See how […]

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