[Not So] Wordless Wednesday No. 10

Cindy on her wedding day

Jimmy & Cindy in 1982, pregnant with their first daughter Julie

Cindy & Jimmy on family vacation in 2006

This photo the girls use a lot for posters at races where they are walking in memory of their mom. This was taken in March 2007

Cindy & Jimmy on her 50th Birthday in 2007

Cindy with her girls on her 50th Birthay. They all look like they should be sisters in this photograph!

Julie's Wedding Day - November 15, 2008

The day Cynthia got engaged - October 2009

Cindy & Jimmy on their last family vacation with Cindy in January 2010

Cynthia's wedding day at Cindy's hospital in February 2010

Jimmy & Cindy on Cynthia' s wedding day

If you would like to donate to our fundraising efforts in memory of Cindy please go here


  1. Such beautiful photographs. Tears over here!

    • Sorry! Believe me every time there’s a #TeamCindy post compiled my eyes are far from dry! They are hard to write and still can’t believe she’s gone! You must not have seen the hospital wedding video we posted a link to on one of the posts – it is equally the happiest and saddest thing. I am crying just thinking about it! If you want to see here is the link — http://lovemephotography.com/blog/?p=1250

  2. This post leaves me and I’m sure everyone who reads it speechless. What a woman to run in honor and memory of and what a cause.

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