Breakfast Egg Cups #LiAR Style

Breakfast Egg Cups #LiAR Style

We will be honest, in some ways we use our own blog as a cookbook for ourselves.  It’s a great resource when we are out grocery shopping without an exact plan for meals for the week.

We have been making egg cups for quite some time now since they are a perfect breakfast item on the Advocare Ten Day Cleanse. So really these are the easiest recipes ever for a healthy protein packed breakfast with the least amount of clean up possible especially now that we’ve found the perfect cooking utensil when making egg cups. We can’t rave enough about how easy they are and we pretty much promise you can’t mess them up.

Here is a general formula to use and then we gave some examples about what we use the most.

– 12 eggs (use all 12 whole eggs or any combination of whole eggs and egg whites with the 12)

– A veggie or two

– A meat if you want

How too: Crack eggs in a large bowl, dice veggies pretty small, cook or brown any meat that you are going to use. Mix all ingredients together. Bake your cups at 375 degrees for 20-25 minutes or until the eggs are no longer runny.

No measuring necessary. No need to worry about a long drawn out recipe. Just add what you want in the 12 egg mixture and you are good to go.

Are you ready for our secret to the least amount of annoying clean up?

If you are like us you probably have bake ware that is horrible with eggs and everything gets stuck and you have to soak the pan forever and half the time the eggs are still stuck on there, we hate that! In comes silicon baking cups to the rescue!

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silicon baking cups from Amazon

The eggs do not stick, you don’t have to use any non-stick sprays or oil, and they are super easy to clean, plus they are only like $5-6 on Amazon. We have seen them for $12-14, but DO NOT PAY THAT. And the egg cups keep in the refrigerator all week and heat up what amount we want each morning for breakfast.

Sometimes it’s easy to get stuck in a rut, so if you have found yourself in one we have put together some of favorite egg cup recipes:


12 eggs

Handful of spinach

1 Diced tomato

½ Diced red onion

6oz chopped up bacon

Southwest style

12 eggs

1 Diced tomatoes

Ground beef with taco seasoning (about a cup)

1 Bell pepper

½ Red onion

Denver omelet style

12 eggs

Cup of chopped ham

1 green bell pepper

½ onion


There you have it! Go forth and make all of the egg cups! Another bonus to owning the silicon baking cups is that when your kids are old enough for you to make lunches for them to take to school if you use the bento box method they are great in there as well!

The Great Day of the Turkey 2014

The Great Day of the Turkey 2014

If you have been following us for a while you know that the Capital One Bank Dallas YMCA Turkey Trot is our Turkey Day Tradition! This year was no different! We left the boys at home and headed out to fit in this 8 mile race before the craziness that is Thanksgiving day started. We love this race, the atmosphere, and the fact that it keeps getting better!

This year we got to run this race with our girl Catherine…Chase bailed on us 😉 womp womp!


We rode down together! We were a little sad after DRC Half that we rode separate, and left separate so we sucked it up and went together. Two breast pumping people in one car is a little entertaining. We dare someone to pull us over when that is happening. You do what you gotta do right?

We got to the race right in time, SHOCKING… we know! We wanted to run this as together as possible which sometimes is difficult in this crazy race but we did, minus a few random spots. We all were able to meet back up from separation and finish together! Also we would like to add that they changed the course yet again, but I still think we are a fan of the original. We want to run over the bridge.

We crossed the line together and were super surprised that this year they included a MEDAL!! Not that we run for medals, or are “medal junkies” but we thought it was a fun addition to an already awesome race.




We usually enjoy Mimosas at Beth’s sister house after the race but this year we had to nix that due to time, but we kept the tradition alive just in separate houses. Who doesn’t love a mimosa, or two, or three?
And what would a Thanksgiving post be without now saying that we then spent the rest of the day with our families and had fun enjoying Miles and Lane’s first Thanksgiving!


Perez Family of three! (Hollands didn’t take a family photos – oops?)


DRC Half 2014

DRC Half 2014

Not only was DRC Half our first half marathon since having Lane and Miles, but it was also our first time to be separated from our babies and/or breastbumps for an extended period of time – you know what we are saying?? (sorry if you’re a dude reading this)  Because we planned to get there at the last possible minute we both rode down there separately.  On top of getting down to the race site at the last minute we also planned to leave as soon as we were finished with the half. Not time for dilly dallying for LiAR!


We should mention too, thankfully we both got to run this race together! Teal ended up having to register for the race the morning of.  When she got to the registration tent it was 7:14 a.m. (one minute until registration closed) the volunteers were already closing up their computers.  This is where we get to insert the babies make getting things done harder excuse, riiight?! Ok, fine, we know we aren’t the first in this world to have babies, but it is interesting to get things done.  So don’t be surprised if we periodically use that excuse. 🙂  Anyway, Teal got registered and we met up at the port-a-potties.  Do people meet up at other places on race mornings?


When we got to the start line we ran into the lovely Lauren of The Unlikely Runners. So good to briefly catch up with you lady!  Our main goals for the day where and stop us if you’ve heard this before – don’t die and finish. 🙂
Oh how goals sure change when you have major things happen to your body! But of course, Lane and Miles are more than worth temporary setbacks in running!

Thanks, Robert, we stole this picture from you! :)

Thanks, Robert, we stole this picture from you! 🙂

We stuck together, chatted each other’s ears off, occasionally listened to the conversations of other runners and appreciated having the other with us!


The weather was nice for our first half back and to that we are thankful to the race day weather gods! 😉 We complete our half running the whole way!  We were pretty darn proud of ourselves. If we could run DRC Half then surely we would be able to make it through the half at Dallas Marathon with continued training right?


Well, it would be kind of sad if that was it for the day.  Rode by ourselves to the race, complete our first post partum half and then rode home by ourselves, that’s it? No way! Naturally we forced our husbands and our babies to come celebrate with us at brunch afterwards! And we love celebrate with a tasty mimosa. 🙂


With all of that said….that is a wrap on half marathon no. 22!

We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again, we love the medal series the Dallas Running Club is doing with this race!

Fun fact: DRC 2013 was our first half as pregnant ladies. Doesn’t it make it fun that 2014 was our first half as moms??
Goals? Resolutions? Forward Progress!

Goals? Resolutions? Forward Progress!

We haven’t in the past put New Year’s Resolutions on the blog.  Remember how we use to do monthly goals?

The monthly goals were good, but there seems to be some sort of balance between New Year’s resolutions and monthly goals we need to find. However, we have decided this year to put our New Year’s resolutions out there. Maybe we’ll do a quarterly check in to see how we are doing?

Here goes nothing….

Teal’s Resolutions:

1. More yoga.  My favorite yoga instructor is back at my gym two days a week so I would like to start going back to that. On days that I cannot I have 4 videos that he made that I would like to do from home. This goal is easy to accomplish since I basically did little yoga last year so I would like to say a minimum for 4 days a week even if it’s just 30 minutes. So far, on January 9th, I have kept that!

2. More running.  I would like to beat each month’s mileage by at least 1 mile. I would also like to run under a 2 hour half marathon because well… after 23 of these bad boys I still haven’t done that, I have gotten close but not under 2. Running is way more difficult to fit in with a baby so I will have to be pretty strategic about this and be fine with just going out and running 1 mile if that is all I can get.

Thanks to the ladies of Tone It Up we will both be using this to help jumpstart our running this new year!

Thanks to the ladies of Tone It Up we will both be using this to help jumpstart our running this new year!

3. Less mess. I know that sounds like a goal for a 5 year old, but I have this HORRIBLE problem of dropping everything on the floor or leaving it on the counter because I am busy or tired. I want to stop this. If I have a dish I am done with I want to get it put away or clean it, and other things like stop leaving my shoes everywhere (my parents have been hounding me about this since I was 7) but really what this will accomplish is less overall cleaning time. If I just do it then it won’t pile up, and I hope that this gives me more time.

4. More prep.  This means more than just my food. I would like to prep breakfast and lunch for work each week at a minimum. I should maybe blog about this too to keep me on track and help other people to see what I do?!  I would also just like to have a system with stuff and just getting out of the house. I have so much to deal with on a daily basis with breastfeeding, working a full time and a small part time job, running, working out, baby, life… I mean you get it. But sometimes I don’t do things because I am not prepared enough to actually do that.When I figure out a system I will fill you in!

5. More snail mail. This includes birthday cards, Valentine’s cards, thank you notes, Christmas cards, random letters. I like this and love getting “non-bill” mail. This also just goes along with number 4.Plus I know an awesome graphic designer that can help me out with this!

6. More muscles. So I am back to pre- pregnancy weight but it’s, well… NOT THE SAME. So I would have made this  a “less weight” goal, which still might happen but I really would just like some things to go back to how they were before, so I’m gonna just go with more muscle. And this might mean working out from home more because I really haven’t figured out how to get to my trainer more than 1 day a week and still get to see my baby after work.

7. Less excuses. Let’s face it, if I have less excuses than maybe the above 6 goals will actually work!

Beth’s Resolutions:

1. Be more prepared. Over the holidays there were a couple times I was scrambling for things when I shouldn’t have waited until the last minute.  These days waiting until the last minute is soooo not a good option because, well, (a) it stresses me out more and (b) it means sometimes things won’t get accomplished that have to get accomplished.

2. Complete a self created 30 day yoga challenge. Our friend Drum talked about how she had started her own 60 day yoga challenge which sent all sorts of inspiration my way.  She basically put all the tools I’ve been needing to really dive into a practice on my own in my hands. (Thank you so much for that Drum!)

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Ashtanga Yoga: The Practice Manual by David Swenson is the book I’ll be utilizing for my challenges


3. Complete a self created 60 day yoga challenge.  Because these are my goals for the entire YEAR, I’m committing myself to two different yoga ones.

4. Run 900 miles. Ultimately I want a 1,000 mile year, but I’m afraid to fail and my highest mileage year to date has been 728.1 miles in 2013. I actually had to go back through my runkeeper records and learned that I had run over 700 miles. Originally I was going to say 750 and maybe I still should, but let’s try 900 this year. I’d like to bring consistency to my running as well so here’s to hoping this helps!

5. Run an under 2 hour half again. A goal to keep me motivated in my running! I’ve done it before pre-pregnancy and I’d like to do it again post pregnancy!

There you have it, folks! We’ll check back in with you and let you know how we are doing!

Again, Happy New Year!

Lane & Miles’ First Christmas

Lane & Miles’ First Christmas

Happy New Year! Wow, 2015 already?

We kind of purposefully and not so purposefully took some blogging time off in December to really enjoy our first Christmas with our babies.  Having our boys for the holidays really made the magic of Christmas come back!


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We decorated Christmas cookies together with the boys.


We visited Santa together.

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We found one set of the Dallas Big letters all festive for Christmas.



We decorated the boys with lights and packages…you know all things Christmas!



And just enjoyed being with family.




Lane and Miles….in their Christmas jammies! 🙂

Here’s to a 2015 full of running, time with our boys (both the babies and our husbands) and new adventures as families of three!

Advocare for the New Year {2015}

Advocare for the New Year {2015}

Happy New Year! We know it’s already several days into the new year, but now that everyone is getting back into a schedule we just wanted to put a reminder out there that we do sell Advocare.  If you are looking for a way to jump start your fitness goals this year then why not checkout the Advocare 10 Day Cleanse?

We’ve both done the cleanse several times and have tried to put together as much info as we possibly could to make it easier for you!

If you are looking for some recipes that we have used during the cleanse, well, those can also be found within our Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner posts.

If you’re looking for what days you should drink the fiber drink? When you should take catalyst? Well, those types of questions can also be found throughout the Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner posts.

Survival Tips – are you looking for how to survive those 10 days on the cleanse? Look no further than our survival tips post with tips like – Do the cleanse with a buddy to keep yourself accountable! Don’t worry there are more tips than just that! :)

We have also come up with our own list of Dos and Don’ts while on the cleanse. For instance DO eat all the water and DON’T drink alcohol! So sorry!

To bring this post to an end here are in list form important Advocare posts we have done that might be useful to you:

Advocare 10 Day Cleanse: Breakfast

Advocare 10 Day Cleanse: Lunch

Advocare 10 Day Cleanse: Dinner

Our Survival Tips

Dos and Don’ts on the Advocare Cleanse

Advocare 10 Day Cleanse: What We Are Eating

Please remember that mistakes do happen if you happen to eat something you shouldn’t, well, just don’t keep eating it. Once you realize that you ate something not approved for the cleanse then stop eating it and waiting until the cleanse is over to have it again.

It is hard to be 100% accurate with these types of things so we normally suggest using the 80/20 rule which means you need to make sure your eating is on point 80% of the time and if you mess up well don’t let that percentage be more than 20% of the time.

Now, what questions have we left unanswered?