Friday Food Finds {3}

Friday Food Finds {3}

If you’re still looking for some options for the big Superbowl game on Sunday perhaps we can help you out a little bit.

Running to the Kitchen‘s Buffalo Chicken Broccoli Cheddar Bites

Who doesn’t love buffalo chicken?!  This sounds like the perfect appetizer for a big football weekend!

Buffalo chicken broccoli cheddar bites

100 Day’s of Real Food‘s The Best Pulled Pork in a Crock Pot!

Not only does this recipe look delish, but it is #LiAR husband approved!  Have yourself some sliders or a whole sandwich – this recipe does not disappoint!


Fit for Success‘ Quinoa Pizza Bites

Ok, pizza is absolutely another game day food!  With this recipe you can make it healthier and not worry about the calories as much!


Kate O Lynch‘s Roasted Garlic & Jalapeno Sweet Corn Hummus

Every good football party as some sort of dip otherwise it’s just not a real party, amirite?!  Kate has actually made this dip for us and therefore it is #LiAR approved. 🙂

Happy Super Bowl weekend! Who are you cheering for?

Oops, We Did it Again

Oops, We Did it Again

Looks like the LiARs are liars again! We better watch out or this might become a habit! 🙂

This time around since you all already knew Teal was pregnant we couldn’t just post a bunch of pictures of us out having a glass of wine or what not because, hello, Teal can’t drink!  So a lot of the pretending was done on Beth’s end.

Beth found out in late November that she was pregnant and went ahead and tried to avoid as many circumstances as possible where drinking was involved. 🙂  Except then in December we had a happy hour planned that included a friend that had recently had a baby, so thanks to Teal and Beth’s sister, Kate, the waitress only served Beth virgin mojitos that night.


December 12th

It was hard at the holidays hiding the fact that I wasn’t having a glass of wine with the rest of my cousins.  I tried to be sneaky and drink sparkling apple cider, but I had to hide the bottle so no one saw it and I ended up leaving the bottle over night hidden in my mom’s laundry room next to her laundry detergent.  Naturally, she needed to do a load of laundry Christmas morning and found it. . . it was hard not going ahead and getting to tell her that she was getting another grandbaby!

But I did appreciate one of my cousins going ahead and assuming my not drinking at a family get together was because I’m such a dedicated runner and give up any alcohol at a certain point before a race! 🙂  Yet another perk to being a runner!

Of course my first sonogram was scheduled for January 2nd so telling anyone over the holidays was pretty much out, but I would like to give a big shoutout to my brother, Scott, and SIL, Lindsay for letting us steal some of each of your thunder as we used their family Birthday celebration days to spill the beans. 🙂

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All fake drinking pictures! And thanks to one of my client’s for giving me a bottle of vodka! Maybe it’ll still be around when I’m allowed the occasional adult bev again later this year!

Because I work for my dad he knew early, early on that I was pregnant.  He brings me coffee every morning, we occasionally go have a sushi lunch together (and we always get the same things) and sometimes go grab a glass of wine after a long, busy day at the office.  Since a lot of things would be changing I went ahead and filled him in that come August he’d be a Granddad for the 3rd time!

Congrats to Beth & Brent on their baby who is due August 6th!!

Wordless Wednesday No. 44

Wordless Wednesday No. 44




The Great Santa Run

The Great Santa Run

We signed up for this 5K because, well, ALL of our frunners seemed to be doing it. 🙂  There was also a groupon for it.  Everybody needs a small race to get you back into running after a marathon weekend…..oh, wait, Dallas Marathon didn’t happen……

Plus, when you register you get a Santa suit to run in as your swag for this race.  We realized the week of this race that it wasn’t actually chipped time, so it makes it that much more of a good lowkey race post Dallas Marathon, if only Dallas Marathon had actually happened.  Dang you, #Snowpocalypse!

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As you can see in the pic above we found our people quickly when we got there.  We heart them!

Beth’s SIL, Tiffany, actually turned their pants into cute skirts for the race.

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There were ALL kinds of interesting outfits out there!  Although most people just threw on the ol’ Santa suit and called it a day, but perhaps a couple of the runners maybe should have double checked in the mirror that what they wearing was not see through. 🙂  Sometimes your eyes can’t unsee things is all we’ll say!

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we have never felt more attractive!

Thanks to Mark for providing us with Christmas music while we all ran together and entertainment as he yelled at every Santa that passed him, “SANTA!!! I know him!!” 🙂

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Really it was a fun race as we ran with our friends and got to catch up with them.  We got to hear all about Drum braving the weather elements and still getting her marathon in the weekend Dallas Marathon cancelled and not only that but BQ-ing her race! Talk about speedy!  This race you might have also already learned that Teal knew she was having a baby boy. 🙂 (sorry we forgot to tell you for so long here!) So many things to catch up on while running.  A nice stress free 5K!  Mark even took a video of the race….if you watch long enough you might see a snowman take a tumble.


Gender Explanation

Gender Explanation

SOOOOOOO it turns out that Baby Perez is actually a BOY which might confuse you because, when I originally posted that I was pregnant it was a picture of my dog that said “ Wilson’s first look at his baby SISTER

perez baby announc (1)

Well as it turns out they were wrong! I really think that we are off about a week on everything, but they have yet to adjust my due date or anything but this is basically what happened.

We went in for a sono and they made a guess that the baby was a girl. Literally they said “ you see these three lines, by this time it would be vertical if it was a boy

I went for a second sono for extended testing, one where they check out the brain, kidneys, heart, if my kid has all its limbs, all the good stuff. Also important to note is this sono was long and extensive, I was in there for about an hour. This was about a week later and they again stated….” Oh we are 90% sure you are having a girl, you see these three lines, they would be vertical by now”. This appointment actually had a sonographer and another doctor in it. So 2 more people have said it!

So at that point, I had had 3 different people (2 sonographers, and a doctor) state that I was, in their medical opinion, with 90% accuracy, in fact having a girl.

We went in for the 20 week official “gender” sono and much to our surprise Baby Perez was actually a BOY.


So there you have it and lesson learned.  I am new at this clearly and totally believed that they were pretty good at guessing this stuff and had logical reasoning behind it. Plus my app said that at the time I was at that appointment the gender was developed. What I HONESTLY think has happened, like I said before, is that my baby is really a little earlier than they think. He actually still measures a little small in appointments, at my 24 week appt many measurements were at the 22-23 week range! I guess when he decides to come will tell us if he really is “younger”.

But nonetheless Baby Perez is a BOY and we are super excited…. Now to just find a dang name? Suggestions anyone?!

Wordless Wednesday No. 43

Wordless Wednesday No. 43

baby perez 1 (1)


baby perez 2 (2)

Remember That Time We Ran the Turkey Trot in 2013?!

Remember That Time We Ran the Turkey Trot in 2013?!

Happy 2014!! We are playing catch up over here….we enjoyed our holidays a little too much that we neglected the ol’ blog.  Maybe next holiday season we should just plan on that and let you know we are taking a vaca.  Things to think about for this new year, huh? Well, let’s get to the ol’ catch up……

pre race car pic

pre race car pic

All we really want to say about this race is we are SO glad that the Turkey Trot people got it together and let the timed runners start in a separate corral from the non-timed runners. They also banned the strollers and dogs in that corral making it much safer for the actual runners. We were very worried about this race last year with falling and obviously a little more worried about it this year (you know since Teal is with child) before we knew about the change. It seemed to work so much better and we didn’t see anyone fall which was reeeeeally not the case in the past!


Miles 1-4

Teal: So with all that said about the new system we got there and had to pee really fast and get in that corral because it’s shut off! I think we made it by like 3 minutes!  Please note that I actually went to the bathroom before the race. By mile 1 I was dying and needed to pee again and there was not a stop there. The stop was just before mile 2 and apparently everyone and their dog had to go as well. I was seriously contemplating stopping but in my head I was like, you are running slower, Chase is doing the 5k and Beth is speedy so you stopping here it is going to take like 10 minutes just suck it up. Worst mistake. I figured at the next water station they would have at least a port-o-potty. NOPE, nothing! I would also like to add here that this was really the first time I ever noticed the X in the road to mark where JFK was killed. They had made a big deal about that this year due to the 50th anniversary and they repaved the road. So any concerned can now rest easy because it’s there! Anyway, I kept thinking, get to the bridge they always have one up there, but little had I paid attention, they changed the entire  course. I saw a bathroom on the way other side of the road at about mile 3 and that was going to take too much effort again. Then my saving grace at about mile 4ish this women was passing out tissues. I ran over, grabbed a handful and peed behind the dumpster basically in front of a cop. I was super worried that he might get mad or ticket me, because he kept looking over like, what is that lady doing. You totally aren’t allowed to pee in public so the entire time I was coming up with my very true pregnant lady excuse. Either way it saved me! Thank you to whomever you are for our tissues!

Beth: Per usual there was still a lot of weaving to be done in this race in the beginning.  It just brings so many people out that it happens.  I was confused though since we had the timed corral with NO DOGS and NO STROLLERS allowed to see some dogs and strollers.  I guess some people did not start at the actual start line and just jumped in!? There’s always a side of crazy at this race. Or maybe that’s every race and we just don’t always know it? No real complaints on the first few miles I was just trying to find my groove and stick with.  I was annoyed towards the 5K cutoff because that comes up and there’s a sign that says turn left here for the 5k then down the road there is a sign that says you missed the 5K turn so turn around.  A pair of walkers on my right decided to turn left as I was running by them.  I hope they enjoyed my “WATCH WHERE YOU’RE GOING!” 🙂

Miles 4-8

Teal: Really went by without me even noticing, the course while flat is pretty boring. Not much happening and there really is like no crowd support or anything. By 6 I had to pee again. This is the worst I have ever had this pee issue before. I stopped at the one that was like at 6.5ish (the one that was too much of a pain earlier) and then went on about my way.  The last mile is up hill and kind of a pain in the arse but really still not bad. I was just super glad they changed the course because last year’s course was waaaaaay hillier! Thanks again Turkey Trot people. We appreciate it. They really have restored my love for this race and I have way less bitchy issues about it this year than I have in the past!

Beth: Here I was excited for the change of scenery a little bit, ok, well it isn’t really a beautiful area of town per se but having a change in the course was a nice change.  This portion provided a bit of an out an back part and as I was running the out part I overheard a teenager walking down the median of the street saying “I guess I missed the turn off somewhere??” Haha! I laugh but I’ve missed a turn off myself too. I wasn’t really trying for a PR this day, but I was happy to find out my time that day was only 7 seconds away from my 8 mile PR!  Not only that but this race has been pretty consistent over the past few years – 2013: 1:11:43; 2012: 1:11:36 and 2011: 1:11:46. Now to try and break that 1:11 time! 🙂 This year was a fun year because I actually got to see my SIL, Lindsay out there and Uncle Rob!



Lindsay, Uncle Rob and Beth

IMG_1292[1]See you in 2014, Turkey Trot!